Għaġin moħmi tal-ispraġ u tat-taleggio, irvell delikat ta’ togħmiet

If you are tired of the usual first courses, try ours vegetarian recipe of baked pasta made with asparagus and taleggio. The delicate and particular flavor of asparagus goes well with the taste and softness of taleggio, a real triumph of goodness capable of making everyone agree, even lovers of the classic baked pasta with meat sauce.

Ingredjenti għal 5 nies

  • Durum wheat semolina pasta: 500 g (half sleeves type)
  • Taleggio DOP: 300 g (weight without rind)
  • Fresh asparagus: 500 g
  • Bechamel: 1 l
  • Parmesan maħkuk: 40 g
  • Ħobż maħkuk: 20 g
  • Butir: għat-togħma
  • Żejt Evo: għat-togħma
  • Melħ li t-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 30
  • Tisjir: minuti 20
  • Totali: minuti 50
  • Kaloriji: 315 Kcal / porzjon



Cut the taleggio cheese into cubes, removing the crust, then wash the asparagus …


and, with a potato peeler, remove the hardest part of the stems.


Cook them in a pressure cooker for 10 ‘from the whistle …


then cut them into small pieces keeping some intact tips for the final garnish.


In the meantime, take a large profile, butter the bottom and sprinkle it with a couple of spoons of béchamel.


Boil the water for the pasta, add salt and cook the pasta for half the time indicated on the package (remember that it will continue to cook in the oven).


Once the pasta has been drained (take care to keep about 100 ml of cooking water) pour it into a bowl, add a drizzle of oil and mix, then add half of the prepared bechamel, the taleggio, the chopped asparagus and mix again by adding the cooking water set aside.


Put the seasoned pasta in the pan.


Complete with the remaining béchamel, the grated Parmesan, a sprinkling of breadcrumbs and flakes of butter.


Bake at 200 ° (ventilated) for about 15 ‘/ 20’. To form the classic crust finish with a couple of grills. Then remove from the oven, garnish with the asparagus tips and bring to the table.


Baked pasta is truly a classic of Italian cuisine and everyone likes it. There are infinite variations of this first course, what we would like to recommend is be careful when cooking the pasta for the first time (not overcooking!) and the choice of format. In fact, prefer good quality durum wheat semolina pasta (even wholemeal) and preferably striped.

Ingredjenti għal 5 nies

  • Durum wheat semolina pasta: 500 g (half sleeves type)
  • Taleggio DOP: 300 g (weight without rind)
  • Fresh asparagus: 500 g
  • Bechamel: 1 l
  • Parmesan maħkuk: 40 g
  • Ħobż maħkuk: 20 g
  • Butir: għat-togħma
  • Żejt Evo: għat-togħma
  • Melħ li t-togħma
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 30
  • Tisjir: minuti 20
  • Totali: minuti 50
  • Kaloriji: 315 Kcal / porzjon
  • Kategorija tal-kariga:Moħmi
  • Awtur tal-posta:
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Philip Owell

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