Tozo Golden X1 Reviżjoni

introduction Tozo Golden X1 are the latest wireless earbuds that we've tested extensively. With an impeccable track record on Amazon and a price tag of $150/€150/£150, these earphones promise Hi-Res…

Kompli Qari Tozo Golden X1 Reviżjoni

Garmin jintroduċi Fenix ​​​​7 Pro u Epix 2 Pro, kollha mgħammra b'ċelloli solari, flashlights u 32GB ta 'ħażna

Garmin introduċa mudelli Pro għas-serje Fenix ​​​​7 u Epix 2 tagħha, li jgħinu biex jissimplifikaw il-lineup u jintroduċu għażliet ġodda. Il-mudelli l-ġodda Epix 2 Pro jibqgħu l-...

Kompli Qari Garmin jintroduċi Fenix ​​​​7 Pro u Epix 2 Pro, kollha mgħammra b'ċelloli solari, flashlights u 32GB ta 'ħażna

Reviżjoni ta' Huawei FreeBuds 5

introduction Huawei's FreeBuds range has offered some great wireless earbuds over the years and the new FreeBuds 5 are the latest addition. They arrive with a bold new design, flagship…

Kompli Qari Reviżjoni ta' Huawei FreeBuds 5