Reviżjoni ta’ Disney Mirrorverse: Ħu sehem fi battalji frenetiċi tat-timijiet mal-karattri favoriti tiegħek ta’ Disney

  • Kategorija tal-kariga:game Reviews

Disney Mirrorverse is Kabamthe last attempt of a real-time combat role-playing game set in the Disney universe with lots of characters from some of the biggest Disney and Pixar hits.…

Kompli Qari Reviżjoni ta’ Disney Mirrorverse: Ħu sehem fi battalji frenetiċi tat-timijiet mal-karattri favoriti tiegħek ta’ Disney

Gwerra Ewropea 7: Reviżjoni Medjevali: Esperjenza ta' titolu ta' strateġija formidabbli li fih l-akbar eroj tal-Ewropa

  • Kategorija tal-kariga:game Reviews

European War 7: Medieval is EasyTechis the last strategy title, this time taking players through the medieval era, with the Holy Roman EmpireThe Byzantine Empire, Viking invasions, Crusadesand other similar…

Kompli Qari Gwerra Ewropea 7: Reviżjoni Medjevali: Esperjenza ta' titolu ta' strateġija formidabbli li fih l-akbar eroj tal-Ewropa

Catalyst Black Review: A shooter tim sabiħ

  • Kategorija tal-kariga:game Reviews

Black catalyst it is a brand new one Action multiplayer arena-combat mobile game, released under the name of Super Evil MegaCorp. These developers are well known for their previous game,…

Kompli Qari Catalyst Black Review: A shooter tim sabiħ