Download Robotic Planet RTS APK

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Robotic Planet RTS

Robotic Planet RTS APK Android Game Free Download

Free Download Full APK Android Robotic Planet RTS


Play Robotic Planet RTS logħba b'xejn! Int imħabba l-kaċċa tagħha għal dubju. Għaliex tħallas għal verżjonijiet sħaħ Google Play? Fis-sit tagħna tista 'tniżżel logħob mobbli top għal kwalunkwe smartphone jew pillola faċilment u 100% b'xejn! Ma 'din il-logħba apk inti mhux se tkun bored fil-ħin liberu tiegħek. Jekk tinstalla din il-logħba sħiħa Android, int ser ikollok play għal sigħat u tkun żgur li jkollok ħafna pjaċir! Grafika sabiħa u gameplay vizzjuż se jżommok maqbuda jum u bil-lejl. Fuq il-websajt tagħna se ssib bosta logħob jew apps oħra ta 'ġeneri differenti, minn avventura u azzjoni għall-logħob tal-logħob tar-rpg u tlielaq apk u ssib ukoll mod u verżjoni hacked ta' kull logħba Android: ħajja illimitata, ammo, flus, livelli miftuħin, ebda reklamar, flus infiniti u aktar! Niżżel din il-logħba kbira għat-telefon ċellulari permezz ta 'PC, Smartphone jew Pillola!

Your robots are just landed on a small planet. Let them explore and settle the planet. Gather resources to construct new buildings and set up a working economic system. Produce goods and new robots in factories. Defend your buildings against attacks from enemy battle robots. Conquer enemy territory and defeat your opponent's base.


• 21 scenario maps for single/multiplayer games including a tutorial mission.
• Map-Generator to create new unique maps.
• Single-player mode: Opponent is played by AI (computer)
• Multi-player mode: Two players can connect their mobile devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to compete against each other
• No Internet connection is required during gameplay.
• Supports large displays (tablets)
• 7 Robots with individual abilities
• 20 different buildings to construct
• Games are saved automatically on incoming calls and can be continued.
Robotic Planet is a construction and management simulation. You give orders to your robots, such as constructing a building or attacking a location. Your robots perform these orders, but operate autonomously.
Please report bugs and suggestions via mail or website. Check occasionally for updates. If the app crashes, try to decrease render quality in options and turn sound off.

Rekwiżiti u Dettalji APK

Android Verżjoni Meħtieġa: 2.3 u verżjonijiet ogħla ta 'Smartphones Android u pilloli

Meħtieġa Ispazju Ħażna: 9.6 MB jew iżjed

Internet b'konnessjoni MHUX meħtieġa li jilagħbu

APK ID: com.simusphere.robotic

L-aħħar Verżjoni Aġġornata: 0.4.8

Ġeneru: Strateġija

Prezz: € 0,99 ma Xiri NO Fil-App

Reklami? LE

Installazzjoni Istruzzjonijiet

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Free Download Robotic Planet RTS APK Android

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download [APK] [9.6 MB] [v0.4.8]


download [APK + DEJTA] [Google Play] [Game mħallsa]

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Robotic Planet RTS APK is definitely a great Strategy app for Android, and has been already downloaded 21551 times here at! If you have some spare moments, please scroll down and review this app by giving a valuable feedback and sharing your experience about Robotic Planet RTS APK, to help people from all around the world to know what you think about it.
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