Download The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK

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L-APK MOD tal-Evoluzzjoni tas-Sandbox - 4.7 minn 5 ibbażata fuq 16 voti

L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Sandbox

The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK Android

Free download MOD APK Android L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Sandbox 


Use your godly powers to craft amazing pixel worlds or destroy the universe! Welcome to L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Sandbox, the number one pixel art world creation game.
Play with physics, more than 170 elements and controllable heroes. Make your own games or levels, and then share your creations online. There are no limits to your creativity and imagination!

Karatteristiċi ta ' "THE SANDBOX EVOLUTION"għal Android

- Experience the creation of the universe through a full campaign of 15 levels
- Explore a prehistoric world with the Caveman, and fight Bears and Wolves to recover his child in the Caveman Campaign
- Learn how to draw pixel art like a real artist in the zen drawing Pixel Art Campaign
- Help Fujin, the Ninja of the Wind, collect the Jade Jars and keep them away from evil beings
- New Daily Quests, pulled from the best player creations. Challenge the best in the world, or build your levels for a chance to be featured
- Tap to drop elements, pinch to zoom and pan to scroll. Create or destroy with your fingertips
- Amazing HD pixel art graphics featuring multiple visual effects, parallax scrolling and more
- Begin with ready-to-use 4x4 pixel blocks, then add platforms, traps and enemies to spice things up
- Create your own levels using Game Design elements: Controllable Heroes, Platforms, Portals, various Blocks or Spikes
- Place a controllable hero character in your level to instantly add intuitive, direct control
- Build worlds up to 10x bigger than in the previous Sandbox game
- Draw original art or fanboy tributes to your favorite retro characters with over 100 colors
- Create your own levels using Blocks and other Platforming elements
- Compose chiptune melodies and become a retro maestro
- Share your creations in the Online Gallery
- Save and Sync your progress online with Game Center, Facebook or Email
- Follow your favorite Players and Top Creators via the Social Menu
- Bookmark your favorite levels to revisit them anytime you want
- Bring Life to your worlds with Dogs, Wolves, Bears, Cows, Deer or Sabertooth Tigers
- Spread foliage and numerous tree varieties to bring beauty to your new world
- Decorate with Houses, Castles and Igloos, and create life on your world with AI Humans
- Build a wonderful 2D pixel world by mixing and matching over 170 elements to discover their interactions
- Use predefined templates or start from scratch: Music, Pixel Art, Sandbox, Caveman or Avatar
- Manipulate Natural elements such as Mud, Water, Sand, Fire, Metal, Electricity, Acid, Lava and more
- Many Heroes with different skillsets
- Use various tech like Batteries, Crosswires, Resistance, Bulbs, Heaters, Coolers, LEDs and multiple Sensors
- Destroy everything you can with C4, Meteorites, Nitro, TNT or even a Nuke
- Share your worlds with other players
- Search worlds by keyword or by tags (pixel art, music, arcade, technology or landscape)
- Filter worlds based on the Newest or Hottest creations

Play the most inspiring worlds and interact with them in various ways with L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Sandbox!

Rekwiżiti u Dettalji APK

Meħtieġa verżjoni Android: 4.4 u l-verżjonijiet ogħla ta 'Smartphones Android u pilloli

spazju għall-ħażna meħtieġa: MB 49 jew aktar

Internet b'konnessjoni MHUX meħtieġa li jilagħbu

APK ID: com.pixowl.tsb2

L-aħħar Verżjoni Aġġornata: 1.7.3

Prezz: Ħieles mal Xiri Fil-App

Reklami? IVA

Installazzjoni Istruzzjonijiet

  1. Niżżel wieħed mill-[APK]-Fajls hawn taħt (il- MOD Verżjoni huwa l- Hacked app) JEW tipprova l-[Google Play] Verżjoni;
  2. Mexxi l- .apk fajl fis-Smartphone jew il-Pillola Android tiegħek u tinstallah (jekk tkun fuq il-mowbajl, biss tinstalla l-apk billi ttejjel fuqha);
  3. Tnedija tal-app u jieħdu pjaċir bil    L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Sandbox  !

Free Download The Sandbox Evolution APK Android

Link imfarrak? Verżjoni ġewx aġġornati? Rapport dan! Tridna nagħmlu MOD apposta għalik? Żur Forum dedikat tagħna!

Niżżel dan APK għal Android b'xejn [APK - Link Forum] [v1.7.0] [MOD - Free Fil-App Xiri]

Krediti lil: Durp


Niżżel dan APK għal Android b'xejn [APK] [69.0 MB] [v1.0.6] [MOD - All Elements Unlocked]

Kredti biex: iAndroHacker. Aktar info dwar din l-istqarrija Android hawn.


Niżżel dan APK għal Android b'xejn [APK] [69.0 MB] [v1.0.6] [MOD - All Elements Unlocked] [GĦERUQ BISS]

Noti: this is the UNSIGNED version which requires ROOT PERMISSIONS in order to be installed.

Kredti biex: iAndroHacker. Aktar info dwar din l-istqarrija Android hawn.


Ikseb fuq Google Play [APK + DEJTA] [Google Play] [logħba ħielsa]

Have problemi installazzjoni L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Sandbox? Jekk jogħġbok aqra t-tutorja tagħna dwar INSTALLING FITURI TA 'MOD APK.
Rabta miksura? Qed tfittex verżjoni aktar ġdida jew MOD (hacked) ta ' L-Evoluzzjoni tal-Sandbox? Ingħaqad komunità tagħna u aħna ser jgħinek!

How to download The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK?

You can download The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK in three simple steps:

  • Ikklikkja fuq waħda mill-buttuni ħodor "Download" hawn fuq;
  • Int tasal għal paġna li terġa 'tidderieġi lejn il-forum tagħna fi ftit sekondi (jekk dan ma jseħħx, agħfas il-buttuna "Ipproċedi" fin-naħa ta' fuq ta 'dik il-paġna);
  • Int issa qiegħed fuq il-Forum. Jekk int mistieden, Idħol biss (jew Irreġistra, jekk m'intix parti mill-komunità tagħna, tieħu biss 20 sekonda) u tidher il-link tat-Tniżżil

Ir-rabta tat-tniżżil ma tidhirx? Tieħux paniku: watch this simple video tutorial about how to install The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK or staqsi għajnuna lill-komunità tagħna. Aħna qegħdin hawn biex ngħinuk!

The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK is definitely a great Simulation app for Android, and the modded version we provide in this page has been already downloaded 24179 times here at! You'll love its hacked gameplay for sure and we hope you'll enjoy it! If you have some spare moments, please scroll down and review this app by giving a valuable feedback and sharing your experience about The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK, to help people from all around the world to know what you think about it.
Jekk tħobb Applikazzjonijiet ta 'simulazzjoni għal Android bħalma nagħmlu aħna, tkun ferħan li tkun taf li għandna eluf ta 'logħob u apps simili, sempliċement ikklikkja hawn biex issib il-ġabra sħiħa tagħna ta 'applikazzjonijiet ta' Simulazzjoni għal Android!

Additional Info about The Sandbox Evolution

  • Installazzjoni tat-tip: Installazzjoni sempliċi (APK biss)
  • Internet Connection: Nru (tista 'tintlagħab offline)
  • Tagged taħt:
    simulazzjoni, The Sandbox Evolution hack, The Sandbox Evolution for android, The Sandbox Evolution cheat
Tniżżilt 24179 drabi The Sandbox Evolution MOD APK Updated on: 

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