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FANTASY MASTER RPG MOD APK - 4.5 minn 5 ibbażata fuq 6 voti

Fantasy Master RPG

Fantasy Master RPG MOD APK Android Game Free Download

Free download MOD APK Android Fantasy Master RPG 


Merħba għall Fantasy Master RPG!
Become the 'FantasyMaster' and then you prove your strength!!
This is the RPG game based on speedrun elements.

Kif tilgħab

Basically just to touch on your device screen.
In adventure scene, move to the right when you touch the screen right half, and move to the left when you touch the screen half left.
· Game over when your HP reaches 0.
By respawning, you can take over the ability of the previous adventurer.
However, since equipment is lost, ensure you save the game progresses :P

Enjoy this simple but effective rpg game, free and hacked at!

Rekwiżiti u Dettalji APK

Verżjoni Android meħtieġa: 2.3.3 u verżjonijiet ogħla ta 'Smartphones Android u pilloli

spazju għall-ħażna meħtieġa: MB 3 jew aktar

Internet b'konnessjoni MHUX meħtieġa li jilagħbu


L-aħħar Verżjoni Aġġornata: 0.8.7

Ġeneru: RPG

Prezz: Ħieles mal Xiri NO Fil-App

Reklami? LE

Supported Languages: English, Japanese

Installazzjoni Istruzzjonijiet

  1. Niżżel wieħed mill-[APK]-Fajls hawn taħt (il- MOD Verżjoni huwa l- Hacked app) JEW tipprova l-[Google Play] Verżjoni;
  2. Mexxi l- .apk fajl lill-Smartphone jew il-Pillola tiegħek u tinstallah (jekk tkun fuq il-mowbajl, biss tinstalla l-apk billi tagħmel dan);
  3. Tnedija tal-app u jieħdu pjaċir bil Fantasy Master RPG

Free Download Fantasy Master RPG APK Android

Link imfarrak? Verżjoni ġewx aġġornati? Rapport dan! Tridna nagħmlu MOD apposta għalik? Żur Forum dedikat tagħna!

Niżżel dan APK għal Android b'xejn [APK] [2.9 MB] [v0.8.7] [MOD - Deheb Unlimited & Kristalli Unlimited]

Noti: Start the game in OFFLINE MODE. You'll get Infinite Gold and Infinite Crystals. Now you can enable your Internet Connection if you want. If you do not disable your Internet Connection at first launch, you'll get only unlimited gold.

Krediti: Me (Sbenny)


Niżżel dan APK għal Android b'xejn [APK] [2.9 MB] [v0.8.7]


Verżjonijiet Alternattivi (ikklikkja biex jespandu)

Niżżel dan APK għal Android b'xejn [APK] [2.9 MB] [v0.8.4] [MOD - Deheb Unlimited & Kristalli Unlimited]

Noti: Start the game in OFFLINE MODE. You'll get Unlimited Gold and Crystals. Now you can enable your Internet Connection if you want.

Krediti: Me (Sbenny)


Niżżel dan APK għal Android b'xejn [APK] [2.9 MB] [v0.8.4]


Google Play Button [APK + DEJTA] [Google Play] [logħba ħielsa]

Have problemi installazzjoni Fantasy Master RPG? Jekk jogħġbok aqra t-tutorja tagħna dwar INSTALLING FITURI TA 'MOD APK.
Rabta miksura? Qed tfittex verżjoni aktar ġdida jew MOD (hacked) ta ' Fantasy Master RPG? Ingħaqad komunità tagħna u aħna ser jgħinek!

FANTASY MASTER RPG MOD APK is definitely a great RPG app for Android, and the modded version we provide in this page has been already downloaded 19716 times here at! If you have some spare moments, please scroll down and review this app by giving a valuable feedback and sharing your experience about FANTASY MASTER RPG MOD APK, to help people from all around the world to know what you think about it.
Jekk tħobb RPG apps għall Android bħalma nagħmlu aħna, tkun ferħan li tkun taf li għandna eluf ta 'logħob u apps simili, sempliċement ikklikkja hawn biex issib il-kollezzjoni sħiħa tagħna ta 'applikazzjonijiet RPG għal Android!

Additional Info about FANTASY MASTER RPG

  • Installazzjoni tat-tip: Installazzjoni sempliċi (APK biss)
  • Internet Connection: Nru (tista 'tintlagħab offline)
  • Tagged taħt:
Tniżżilt 19716 drabi FANTASY MASTER RPG MOD APK Updated on: 

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