Download Angel Sword MOD APK

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Angel Sword

Angel Sword Full APK Android Game Free Download

Free Download full Android APK Angel Sword 


Get ready to adventure in the most epic full scale multiplayer 3D RPG for mobile! Experience amazing detailed graphics in full HD. The battle of immortals awaits you! Choose your side!

Angel Sword Karatteristiċi:
✭ Single or multiplayer mode. Team up with a friend and experience co-op multiplayer. Tag team creatures and fight alongside each other while solving quests or PvP duel to the death
✭ 100% open world. Complete free roaming. Go anywhere at anytime. Full 3D freedom of movement including 360 degree swimming and flight. Fight on land or battle in the air
✭ Fully customize your hero in with unique detail
✭ Own pets that fight by your side in battle
✭ Countless weapons, armor and items to choose from
✭ Detailed side quests and challenging bosses to defeat
✭ Advanced combat system featuring deadly melee combos, multiple ranged weapons and powerful magic attacks
✭ Day and Night cycle. A real in-game cycle of night and day on a 24 hour based time system. For every 24 minutes that the game is played, a full night and day cycle of 24 hours passes in the game world
✭ Advanced weather systems which include: heavy rainfall, snow, thunders, lightning and a lot more
✭ Balanced economy system. Visit shops. Buy and sell items
✭ Customizable controls. Arrange skills in any order
✭ 3 slots for multiple saved games and multiple characters

Rekwiżiti u Dettalji APK

Android Verżjoni Meħtieġa: 4.3 u verżjonijiet ogħla ta 'Smartphones Android u pilloli

Meħtieġa Ispazju Ħażna: 344 MB jew iżjed

Internet b'konnessjoni MHUX meħtieġa li jilagħbu

APK ID: com.dvidearts.angelswordrpg

L-aħħar Verżjoni Aġġornata: 2.0.0

Ġeneru: RPG

Prezz: € 6,99 ma Xiri Fil-App

Reklami? LE

Supported Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Korean

Installazzjoni Istruzzjonijiet

  1. Niżżel wieħed mill-[APK] fajls hawn taħt JEW ipprova l-verżjoni [Google Play];
  2. Mexxi l- .apk fajl lill-Smartphone jew il-Pillola tiegħek u tinstallah (jekk tkun fuq il-mowbajl, biss tinstalla l-apk billi tagħmel dan);
  3. Niżżel il-[xierqaCACHE GAME]-Fajl;
  4. Estratt (jekk inti fuq il-mowbajl, l-użu maniġer fajl tiegħek biex jilħqu Downloads folder tiegħek, imbagħad issib il-fajl cache logħba, iżommu tagħfas fuq il-zip file għal madwar sekonda 1-2 u menu se jidhru, imbagħad agħżel "Estratt" );
  5. Mexxi l-folder li jkun fih l- .obb fajl biex: sdcard / Android / ÖBB / (jekk inti ma għandekx microSD imbagħad jġorrhom li:! Android / ÖBB / u jekk inti ma tara l- "ÖBB" folder ġewwa "Android", biss joħolqu dan);
  6. Tnedija tal-app u jieħdu pjaċir bil Angel Sword

Free Download Angel Sword APK Android

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Google Play Button [APK + DEJTA] [Google Play] [Game mħallsa]

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Rabta miksura? Qed tfittex verżjoni aktar ġdida jew MOD (hacked) ta ' Angel Sword? Ingħaqad komunità tagħna u aħna ser jgħinek!

Angel Sword MOD APK is definitely a great RPG app for Android, and the modded version we provide in this page has been already downloaded 23338 times here at! If you have some spare moments, please scroll down and review this app by giving a valuable feedback and sharing your experience about Angel Sword MOD APK, to help people from all around the world to know what you think about it.
Jekk tħobb RPG apps għall Android bħalma nagħmlu aħna, tkun ferħan li tkun taf li għandna eluf ta 'logħob u apps simili, sempliċement ikklikkja hawn biex issib il-kollezzjoni sħiħa tagħna ta 'applikazzjonijiet RPG għal Android!

Tniżżilt 23338 drabi Angel Sword MOD APK Updated on: 

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