Nippon, ir-riċetta biex tagħmilhom id-dar

It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like it the Nippon, historical childhood snack, light and delicious. The combination of puffed rice and chocolate makes this sweet treat perfect for a snack that everyone really likes. You can also offer this dessert during the holidays, or you can use it as a basic preparation or decoration of a birthday cake. Making Nippon at home is simple and cheap, because only three ingredients are enough to obtain a balanced mix between crunchy lightness and infinite gluttony! The “Nippon” snack is the most famous of the Swiss brand on the market Hostas Internationalwho first put it up for sale in 1956.

Ingredjenti għal 16 Nippon

  • 60% dark chocolate: 300 g
  • Puffed rice: 60%
  • Butir: 50 g
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 10
  • Tisjir: minuti 5
  • Totali: minuti 15
  • Kaloriji: 62 kaloriji/100 g



Let’s start with the chocolate: cut the block of chocolate roughly.


Proceed to melt the chocolate in a bain-marie: place the chocolate in a glass bowl and place it over a saucepan filled with water. Turn the heat to high and let the chocolate melt completely, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.


When the chocolate is completely melted, add the butter and continue mixing.


Finally, add the puffed rice and mix thoroughly to incorporate it with the melted chocolate and butter.


Line a baking tray with cling film and pour the mixture into it.


Level the surface with a spatula and leave to rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.


After the resting time, remove the film and cut the block of cake into squares of the same size.


  • Sikkina
  • Skutella tal-ħġieġ jew tal-azzar
  • pot
  • Spatula
  • Baking tray measuring 25×20
  • Transparent film.

Pariri u pariri

The Nippons are kept in the refrigerator, closed in an airtight container, sa jumejn.

You can also melt chocolate in the microwave, but be very careful! Run the microwave for 10-15 sekondi at a time, stir in the chocolate and turn the microwave back on. Proceed like this until it is completely melted, otherwise you risk burning it.

For an even tastier result, add a mix of cereals, chopped hazelnuts and a teaspoon of honey!

Use milk chocolate if you prefer even more sweetness, or a mix of dark and milk chocolate.

If you want to make an even lighter version of Nippon, prepare them with puffed rice and 70% dark chocolate. omitting the butter.

Ingredjenti għal 16 Nippon

  • 60% dark chocolate: 300 g
  • Puffed rice: 60%
  • Butir: 50g
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 10
  • Tisjir: minuti 5
  • Totali: minuti 15
  • Kaloriji: 62 kaloriji/100 g
  • Kategorija tal-kariga:donuts
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Philip Owell

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