Kejk taż-żebra mingħajr butir

Hemm Zebrata cake It’s a very easy dessert to make but with an effect wow. In fact, by cutting the slices of this dessert you will notice that the dough will have settled so as to show an alternation of light and dark colors and give a “zebra” to the whole. Delicious and effective, it is ideal for breakfast, a snack or as a snack before going to sleep, perhaps accompanied by a good cup of hot milk. Also perfect as children’s party cake and for Carnival. Making it is really simple: just combine the ingredients, then divide the mixture into two bowls and add the bitter cocoa in one of the two, so as to color only a portion of the dough. The mixtures will then be poured into the oiled and floured pan in alternating spoonfuls, so as to form concentric circles of dough which, during cooking, will solidify until giving the effect that gives the name to this cake. And if you are looking for other delicious and particular chocolate cakes, why not try our chocolate and coca cola cake?

Ingredjenti għal 8-10 porzjonijiet

  • Bajd: 4
  • Zokkor: 220g
  • Ħalib: 150ml
  • Żejt taż-żerriegħa tal-ġirasol: 120ml
  • Dqiq 00: 230 g
  • Kawkaw morr: 20 g
  • Trab tal-ħami: 10 g
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 30
  • Tisjir: minuti 35
  • Totali: 1 siegħa, 5 minuta
  • Kaloriji: 256 kcal/porzjon



Oil and flour a 22cm diameter pan.


In a bowl, break the eggs and add the sugar.


With an electric mixer, beat the eggs with the sugar at maximum speed, until you get a frothy mixture.


Drizzle in the oil and whisk at low speed, then add the flour alternating with the milk and mix with the electric whisk on low.


Finally add the yeast and give one last mix. Divide the dough obtained in half, pouring half into a bowl. In one of the bowls add the sieved cocoa powder and mix.


Pour 2 tablespoons of white dough into the pan, then tap on the shelf to spread it. Add two spoonfuls of cocoa mixture to the center and beat again.


Continue in the same way until you finish the two doughs.


Bake in a preheated static oven at 180° for 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool before unmolding onto a serving plate.

Pariri u pariri

You can flavor the white part of the dough with a sachet of vanillin or a teaspoon of orange essence: the orange/cocoa contrast it will be very pleasant.

The best oil for this preparation is sunflower oil, but you can also use corn oil as an alternative.

You can dust the surface of the cake with vanilla icing sugar.

This cake comes without butter for a matter of lightness: if you wish, however, you can prepare it with butter replacing the oil with 100 g of butter.


You can save the zebra cake for 4-5 jiem in a cake container.

It can be frozen: we advise you to make portions and freeze them individually so as to defrost the necessary slices if necessary.

Ingredjenti għal 8-10 porzjonijiet

  • Bajd: 4
  • Zokkor: 220g
  • Ħalib: 150ml
  • Żejt taż-żerriegħa tal-ġirasol: 120ml
  • Dqiq 00: 230 g
  • Kawkaw morr: 20 g
  • Trab tal-ħami: 10 g
  • Preparazzjoni: minuti 30
  • Tisjir: minuti 35
  • Totali: 1 siegħa, 5 minuta
  • Kaloriji: 256 kcal/porzjon
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Philip Owell

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